Tuesday 4 October 2016

Women Are Becoming Marriage Material in an Unlikely Era

The Women’s Liberation movement opened up so many possibilities for women, and progress is a good thing. Yet, along with that progress has been suffering of another sort – the realization that is seeping into our modern day culture – that a “liberated” woman’s raw power, strength and the illusion of self-sufficiency can and does douse the fire in a “real” man’s heart and libido.

As a professional matchmaker and dating coach, I see this on a daily basis – a super strong, accomplished woman who’s positively fabulous, who’s got the world by the tail, but who can’t find a man who’s “her equal” – Now, it’s not that these men don’t exist – they surely do, but …they’re not lining up on her dance card
See more details at: http://blog.julieferman.com/how-some-women-are-becoming-marriage-material-in-an-unlikely-era/